台北花節音樂派對|How long is the love distance? #4

台北花節音樂派對|How long is the love distance? #4

愛情長跑記錄編號 #4


It’s time to say goodbye to something in this whole life, people, items, houses… and so on,
It’s hard to take the time slowly we know,
preparing your second option and hold your breath to stay awake,
We stucked at the same place for about 3 years,
It’s almost like 10 years away.

It’s time to say that’s not feeling far away to see all your close people,
They’re not saying that they were waiting for you so long,
but you imagine you hear it,
I don’t like this period which is not good enough to be,
may you overthink this is your fate,
you can’t change the way to whatever you hope,
and all the visible things that you knew with the cooperation,
they don’t seem to have a good chat with you,
how does it have to be?

NO LOVE or LOVE is in your room

Perhaps conveying the yearning and longing that comes with distance in relationships, as well as the joy and excitement of finally being reunited. We could also explore the complexities, reflecting the ups and downs with love.

The Whisperer
2016年成立,來自台北及澳門兩地的 Shoegaze / Dreampop 樂團,目前由黃國斌(KP/Guitar, Vocal)、蔣希夷(Blabla/Lead Guitar)、趙宇晨(Asa/Bass)、王成佳(Edwin/Drum)四人組成。2022年推出首張實體 EP〈Casual Day〉,透過日常生活的陰暗思想組織成為創作,讓人們暫忘昨天的失落。




The Tic Tac
The Tic Tac 於2008年組成。曲風以 Fuzz Pop 為主幹,融合 indie pop 的元素並添加大量破音效果。透過激揚的吉他搖滾底蘊,The Tic Tac 的音樂作品呈現出底片攝像的風格,具有毛邊和顆粒感。

The Tic Tac 的歌曲創作常常從第三人稱的角度出發,以社會觀察者的視角記錄並詮釋生活中的各種現象。就像透過鏡頭或膠捲捕捉瞬間一樣,The Tic Tac 的音樂描繪了一個既孤獨又溫暖的世界,融合了現實和想像的投射。

音樂上,The Tic Tac 追求自由的關係,不拘泥於曲風或樂器,偏向打擊樂的演奏方式,營造自然而壯闊的氛圍,尋找極致微小的寧靜,追求狂躁巨大的噪音。敘事畫面感強烈,將帶給聽眾截然不同的感受。

2022年,The Tic Tac推出最新專輯《正常人的條件》。




地點:樂悠悠之口 光復南

演出:The Whisperer、chirrp. 、The Tic Tac



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