FANTASTICO! A Groovy Night with Shaggydog and Yufu


Shaggydog 來自印尼,成立於 1997年。
成員包括Heru、Richard、Raymond、Bandizt、Lilik 和Yoyo',
他們把自己的音樂風格稱為 "Doggy Style"!

Shaggydog was formed in Sayidan ,Yogyakarta on 1 June 1997. The band member are : Heru,Bandizt,Richad,Raymond,Yoyok and Lilik , They agreed to call the music they played is “Doggy Style’’ , which is a combination of several musical elements such as Ska,Reggae,Jazz,Rock,Pop,HipHop even Dangdut (the original music from Indonesia).

Shaggydog was influenced by Bands such as The Specials,Hepcat,Sublime,Cherry Poppin Daddies,Bob Marley,Long Beach Dub All Stars,and many more from all genre of music.

Shaggydog first album was released in 1999,the album title is ‘’Shaggydog’’ under the Doggy House Label (their own record label) , Until now they already released a total of Six Full Album. Shaggydog song’s are not only spread in Indonesia, in 2003 a Record Company in Japan requested one of Shaggydog song’s to be included in the compilation album called “Asian Ska Foundation” which contains many Ska Band from all over Asia, and also they join with the compilation album from Europe which called “Banana Hits’’ ,this compilation album was released by Czech Republic Record Label.

In 2005 Shaggydog was invited to played at Mundial Festival in the Netherlands they played in Eight Cities in there,and also they have opportunity to record live they song at the Wisseloord Studio in Hilversum, where this studio has been used to record some of the world’s top musician and band’s such as The Police,Metallica & Mick Jagger.

In 2006 Shaggydog was invited again to played at Mundial Festival in the Netherlands ,in this time they played in Eleven Cities in there.

In 2009 Shaggydog was invited to played at Darwin Festival in Australia. In 2016 Shaggydog was invited to played in SXSW FESTIVAL in Austin ,Texas ,USA. They played two times in this Festival.

From the experience was the band has run and made, it proves that their music can be accepted not only in their own country,but can be well received throughout the world.




靈魂樂唱作家。 1970s Soul/ Funk/ Jazz 自小迷戀1960年代,1970年代的摩城音樂. 而Jackson 5, Al Green, Barry White, Marvin Gaye, Bee Gees不再單純只是黑膠唱片中的回憶,這些養分成為Yufu試圖還真的遺失之藝術. 成年後的他, 在與他的迷幻樂團”鱷魚迷幻” 告別並解散後, Yufu回歸兒時所愛, 投身複雜細膩的靈魂樂. 也藉由原來迷幻音樂的歷練, 調和了那類比老迷幻cocktail, 試圖尋找屬於唯獨自己的年代歸屬感.

Yufu在2021年發行的”To My Penpal致筆友”EP是一張深入靈魂, 細膩品味, 敏感又觸動情慾的作品. 他也藉由此EP抒發全球疫情下人類間的希望感, 悲痛以及缺乏肢體接觸的那深刻感受. Yufu在2023年7月開始錄製他的首張個人專輯"Are You Vaccinated? 你的疫苗打了嗎" 也將此作品設定為一張滿滿放克靈魂樂,戲謔幽默的專輯。



地點:樂悠悠之口 光復南
票價:預售 $600,現場 $800


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2023/11/07 12:00(+0800) ~ 2023/11/21 00:00(+0800) End of Sale
  • TWD$600
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