設計與音樂的距離 Design, Music, and the Space Between

本次「台灣唱片印刷展 - 那些用漫畫/插畫表現的獨立音樂」閉幕活動,讓我們跟著2次入圍美國葛萊美專輯設計獎、 第44屆金鼎設計獎與第30屆金曲專輯裝幀設計獎得主的洋蔥設計創辦人「黃家賢(Andrew Wong) 」、以及美國獨立音樂獎最佳藍調歌曲入圍的「泥灘地浪人」,一起進入音樂與設計的世界~

2021 年初,讓我們到樂悠悠之口,一起悠悠的走入台灣獨立音樂的那些重要風景。


黃家賢,(Andrew Wong) 台灣洋蔥設計創辦人,香港出生,曾經香港當過五年旅行社導遊,25歲後才正式赴美學習設計,1999年於台北成立洋蔥設計,作品橫跨多個領域。2次入圍美國葛萊輯設計美獎、 第44屆金鼎設計獎 與 第30屆金曲專輯裝幀設計獎得主、曾為旺福、脫拉庫、許哲珮、陳粒、四分衛等音樂人設計專輯視覺包裝。 與多個音樂節與文化活動的視覺統籌,包括:故宮南院 - 嘻哈故宮、高雄TaokaoRock音樂祭、香港慘島藍調音樂節、北京戰馬音樂、愛愛搖滾音樂節、金光舞台車閃閃嘉年華、虎山音樂祭 。

Andrew Wong, Creative director of Onion Design Associates, a multidisciplinary graphic design studio located in Taipei. Winner of the 30th Golden Melody Award, 44th Golden tripod Award, and has been nominated two times for Grammy Awards. They have also designed for numerous cultural events and music festivals include Hip hop night at National Palace Museum, TakaoRock Festival, Gloomy Island Blues Festival Hong Kong, Stallion World Music festivals Beijing, Love Love Rock Festival, Tiger Mountain Festival.


一群來自美國和英國、現旅居臺灣的音樂家,在 2003 年臺北大安森林公園流浪之歌音樂節的舞台上,半開玩笑地自稱為「泥灘地浪人」。他們的音樂取才自美國早期藍調和民間音樂中,充滿趣味性與高昂的情緒,點燃了臺灣搖擺樂的新風潮。這些年來,浪人們忠於對音樂的初衷並力求精進,試圖在傳統音樂中找出新穎的形式。在專輯《擒虎記》裡,22 首曲目幾乎皆為原創歌曲,曲風涵蓋戰前藍調、爵士、撥弦樂、亞洲民謠,回應種族、移民及宗教信仰等當代話題。



葛萊美最佳包裝/設計 “Formosa Medicine Show” (寶島賣藥秀) - 入圍 2015

葛萊美最佳包裝/設計  "Hold That Tiger" (擒虎記) - 入圍 2020 

金曲獎最佳裝幀設計 "Hold That Tiger" (擒虎記) - 得獎 2020

美國獨立音樂獎最佳藍調歌曲 Best Blues Song - "Dharma Train" - 入圍2020

美國獨立音樂獎最佳草根/鄉村製作人 Best Roots/Country Producer - 團長David Chen 入圍2020


The Muddy Basin Ramblers are a favorite in Taipei's live music scene for their blend of "old-time" American music styles, including early 1920s and 1930s blues, swing jazz, bluegrass, and string-band and fiddle music. 

Formed by a group of US/UK expatriates in 2003, the Ramblers have played events big and small throughout Ihla Formosa, including the National Concert Hall's Summer Jazz Party and the Migration Music Festival. Outside of Taiwan, the Ramblers have headlined the Yokohama Jug Band Festival in Japan and the Gloomy Island Blues Festival in Hong Kong. 

With their arsensal of homemade instruments, guitars, violins, harmonicas, and brass horns, this seven-piece band are beloved by audiences everywhere for their joyously cacophonic, irresistibly-danceable music and soulful, good-time vibes.

The Ramblers are well-recognized recording artists, having received two Grammy nominations for their CDs, "Formosa Medicine Show" and "Hold That Tiger" (both for best album packaging). The band have also received accolades from the American Independent Music Awards, with nominations for Best Blues Song ("Dharma Train"), and best American roots producer (bandleader David Chen). Band members David Chen and Conor Prunty are active in Taiwan's music circles, with both having received Golden Melody Music Awards -- Taiwan's highest music honor -- for their work with Taiwanese Hakka singer Lo Sirong.


The Muddy Basin Ramblers are David Chen, originally from Chillicothe, Ohio, on vocals, guitars, drums and banjos; Tim Hogan, of California, on washboard and percussion; TC Lin, originally from the US but now a proud Taiwanese citizen, on washtub bass, baritone, and trumpet; Cristina Paradise, of Scranton, PA, on violin, mandolin, and various wind instruments; Zach Paradise, of Scranton, PA, on whistles, saxophone, and ukulele, Conor Prunty, of London, England, on harmonica, washtub bass, and ukulele; Will "Slim" Thelin, from Omaha, Nebraska, on jug, tap shoes, kazoos, trombone, harmonica, and vocals.


Design, Music, and the Space Between
「台灣唱片印刷展 - 那些用漫畫/插畫表現的獨立音樂」閉幕活動

◆時間:2021/1/31(日) 14:00
◆地點: @樂悠悠之口 光復南 (台北市大安區光復南路100號B1)
◆來賓:黃家賢(Andrew Wong)、泥灘地浪人
◆票價:預售坐席 350 (附酒水券乙張),預售站席 300/現場票 450

◈協辦:宣威印刷、 WWWWWTAPES、騷思股份有限公司


KKTIX 電子票券(QRcode)使用說明

於 樂悠悠之口光復南場館現場,
可使用 三倍券 及 藝FUN券,
限購買 現場票 與 酒水飲品,恕不找零。
KKTIX「藝FUN券」   使用說明


1. 入場時量測額溫、酒精乾洗手消毒
2. 入場時配戴口罩、室內全程配戴口罩
3. 入場時以實名制登記旅遊史記錄
若無法配合場館防疫相關規定,或於入場時有發燒(額溫超過 37.5度C)、咳嗽、身體不適等情形,本館將婉拒入場、並提供現場全額退票。


本活動委託 KKTIX 處理退票退款事宜
退票將酌收 10% 手續費
詳情請見 KKTIX 代理退換票辦法

樂悠悠之口 光復南店 / 台北市大安區光復南路100號B1 (華視光復大樓)

Event Tickets

Ticket Type Sale Period Price

2020/12/16 12:00(+0800) ~ 2021/01/30 23:59(+0800) End of Sale
  • TWD$350

2020/12/16 12:00(+0800) ~ 2021/01/30 23:59(+0800) End of Sale
  • TWD$300
The UU Card 會員優惠預售票

2020/12/16 12:00(+0800) ~ 2021/01/30 23:59(+0800) End of Sale
  • TWD$280
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